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Demographics of the United States Virgin Islands

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The United States Virgin Islands has an estimated population of ,, which ranks th in the world. The U. The capital and largest city is Charlotte Amalie on Saint Thomas with an estimated population of 19, The largest city and capital is Road Town, with a population of around 9, Virgin Islands are Afro-Caribbean black , while Hispanic or Latino of any race account for Most of the inhabitants today are descended from Africans who were enslaved and brought to the islands by Europeans to work on plantations.
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The U. Virgin Islands are organised under the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands and have since held five constitutional conventions. In the population was ,, [5] with current estimates putting the population at , July , most of whom are of Afro-Caribbean descent. Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by the Ciboney and Arawaks , with some scholars thinking that the islands were inhabited from as early as BC. Christopher Columbus , on his second voyage in , is thought to be the first European to see the islands, giving them their current name.
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The Census will enumerate the resident population of the United States as of April 1, The census will include everyone living in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U. People will be counted at their usual place of residence on April 1, Only a subset of households received the long-form questionnaire—about one in every six in However, for the first time since , the Census will be a short-form-only census.
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