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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Originally designed for detectives and law-enforcement personnel, the PDS is a popular security tool for parents, employers, school administrators, librarians, and more. Use the PDS on an unlimited number of computers - the software runs directly from the stick and leaves no traces of investigation behind. Powered by technology used for years by law enforcement agencies around the world, the Porn Detection Stick uses a complex series of algorithms to analyse flesh tones, shapes and curvatures, face detection, body part separation, and more to alert you to images likely to contain pornographic material. Traditionally, there have been two different approaches to detecting pornographic content.
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Firefox Portable - Does it leave any trace at all?

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Can my boss see the private files(porn) on my flash drive? | NeoGAF

Platform Please donate. My question regards Firefox Portable. I am currently using this software from the USB drive flash disk , and wanted to know if it leaves any trace whatsoever on the machine it is used whether it be encrypted or unencrypted files, cookies, history, URLs typed on the address bar etc. When using IE7, if I downloaded a file, what IE7 would do is, it would download the file to the Temperary Internet Folder, and once download is completed it would copy from the TIF location to the saved location. How does this work in Firefox Portable, when downloading files videos? Since its already obvious that many use this for porn, I just wanted to be certain that the video files don't write to the hard disk at all, even when downloading, to the flash disk itself.
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