Wire stripper to recycle cable

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Cable Stripping Machinery

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Cable Strippers for all sizes and types of wire and cable. Specialized wire and cable stripping machines for any Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Steel insulattion including custom applications. For Wire and Cable Processing Systems follow this link. Easy knife adjustment handle makes it simple to strip a variety of cable types and sizes. Fast and reliable high quality gearbox and components made from and with the highest quality parts available. Fast and reliable high quallity gearbox and components made from the highest quality parts available.
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Cable Strippers

Scrap metal recycling business is very lucrative. Environmentally-sustainable cable recycling: Dedicated machine is used to strip, shred and separate in order to produce quality granulated products. Copper holds as much as 90 percent of new copper value. Mini type the smallest copper wire granulator can handle up to kg per hour. Which combined by chopper, separator and dust collector into one unit.
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