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Back to Sexual health. Make sure you know the facts before you use one. Myth: You have to be 18 to buy condoms. These services also provide confidential advice. Find a contraception clinic near you. Find a sexual health clinic near you.
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Reasons Guys Refuse to Wear Condoms

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Reasons Guys Refuse to Wear Condoms | POPSUGAR Love & Sex

The male condom is a sheath or covering worn over the penis during sexual activity. Condoms also lessen the chances of getting a sexually transmitted infection STI by acting as a barrier, preventing organisms that carry STIs to pass from one partner to another. Using condoms also allows guys to have an active part in preventing pregnancy. Yes; condoms come in different sizes, styles, and shapes, and have different features. Condoms may be lubricated or unlubricated. Chances are, your partner has some of the same questions about condoms that are going through your head, so talking about them will make you both feel more comfortable.
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I Had Sex With Condoms After Not Using Them For A Long Time, And Here's What I Learned

Her argument was that men can never be too big for condoms — and she provided some obvious photographic proof. If a boy ever tells you he's too big for a condom, please send him this pic. Source: Twitter. It didn't.
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For those of you who have always worn a condom during sex: First of all, nice work being responsible! Also, there's a chance you've tried to find an alternative for safe sex. Condoms only recently and I suppose quite literally reentered my life.
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