Mom eats daughter gif

Letting children try spicy or sour foods at a young age may result in amusing reactions - but for one mum, a video of her daughter trying wasabi has prompted backlash and claims of child abuse. That poor girl. Why would the mum laugh at her reaction? However, others have been supportive of the mum - and have defended her choice to feed her daughter the spicy food. This is not abuse at all.
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For Mother's Day, a GIF Guide To The Many Stages Of The Mother-Daughter Relationship

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Kourtney Kardashian Doesn't Want Her Mom Saying 'Fat' In Front of Her Daughter

For many of us, our mother is the most important woman in our life. I mean, come on: she was not only kind enough to bring us into the world , but in the early days, she wiped crap from our bums; kissed away any bruise; and generally ensured we survived. As we grew up, our mothers became a rock during those times when life or we were being complete jerks. With each year that passes our relationship and appreciation of our mothers changes, and those changes deserve to be documented in GIFs.
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Mothers Quotes

The Chamberlain family had been holidaying at Uluru when their daughter was taken from their tent by a dingo. Prosecuting authorities rejected her story about a dingo as far-fetched, charging her with murder and securing convictions against her and, also, against her then-husband Michael Chamberlain as an accessory after the fact. After years of challenge in the courts, both parents were absolved of the crime and a coroner found Azaria's death was "the result of being attacked and taken by a dingo". The phrase "A dingo ate my baby" was popularised but was not actually used by Chamberlain. Chamberlain is reported to have called out to her husband, "A dingo took my baby!
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