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Suetonius Tranquillus published in the Loeb Classical Library, The text is in the public domain. If you find a mistake though, please let me know! And later he won a victory over the enemy and celebrated a triumph. There was some suspicion that he was poisoned; for besides the dark spots which appeared all over his body and the froth which flowed from his mouth, after he had been reduced to ashes his heart was found entire among his bones; and it is supposed to be a characteristic of that organ that when steeped in poison it cannot be destroyed by fire. In consequence Piso narrowly escaped being torn to pieces by the people on his return to Rome, and was condemned to death by the senate.
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Suetonius • Life of Caligula

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Description: A few examples of scenes made fragmented in editing: It was supposed to depict Caligula and Drusilla enjoying their new freedom as they no longer need to worry about being seen by Tiberius' informers. The scene is almost certainly shorter than it was intended to be, and thus is now a meaningless fragment. In the final cut, the first half of this scene which depicts Caligula expressing to Drusilla his worries about Tiberius killing him occurs between Caligula's tour of the grotto and Nerva's suicide.
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Sign in. Watch now. Title: Caligula's Spawn Video The young emperor's decision to force the senators of Rome to live under a regime as cruel, moronic, meaningless and random as he believes life itself to be. His decision is prompted by the death of his sister, with whom he was in love.
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