Funny spring limericks

Technically a limerick, which dates back more than years, is a poem that contains five lines that rhyme in an AABBA structure. Well it is pretty simple really. All three of the A lines must rhyme with each other, and the two B lines must also rhyme with each other. There was an old man of Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket; But his daughter, named Nan Ran away with a man — And as far as the bucket, Nantucket. A certain young fellow named Bee-Bee Wished to wed a woman named Phoebe. There was a young man from Dealing Who caught the bus for Ealing.
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Spring Limerick Poems - Limerick Poems and Poets

Thanks to all of you who participated in this, my first limerick writing contest. The response to my spring limerick contest exceeded my wildest hopes — nearly 60 poems were submitted. In fact, there were so many wonderful entries — some poignant, some laugh-out-loud funny — that it was hard to select the winners. And the winners are…. Flight of fancy, my love taking wing Joins the jaybirds and bluebirds that sing As the days burgeon long — Hear my heart beating strong For my darling.
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Now that spring has arrived on the scene to get out in the garden I'm keen can't let one more day pass without cutting the grass since the light through my window is green! There once was a seed in the ground Waiting for Spring to come around Her patience gave way Came up anyway Now she is frozen to the ground. Eating jalapenos, boy did I sing Mouth was on fire so was my ring Burnt going in one way And out the in the same day Which end do I cool first in the gushing water spring. I can't hear, said the man to his wife Did you say, that you're holding a knife?! Submission for poetry contest: Spring Forward Limerick.
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In spring time, the birds all do sing, announcing what nature will bring. New eggs in a nest, a robin's love fest and bunnies just having a fling. In spring time, there comes a new birth New creatures appear on the earth. The birds and the bees all do as they please and all are surrounded by mirth. In spring time, the brooks do run clean and new life around is all seen.
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