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Aside from her starring in one of the best film franchises ever and being a massive green beauty convert true story, a recent post on her new IG account cites that RMS, Inika, Tata Harper, Ilia and Content all contributed to her Beauty and the Beast prem beauty look , she speaks out as a young woman striving for equality. Her HeForShe campaign is the best example of this. So we were pretty enraged reading the chaos that unravelled following a shoot she did last week for Vanity Fair. Bad feminist?
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Tag: Emma Watson

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Emma Watson – Kabuka's Morphs

Emma Watson recently took part in a photoshoot for Vanity Fair, with one picture managing to cause a bit of a storm on the Internet because some people seem to think its a gratuitous boob shot. I can only assume these people don't have Internet access. Now, you may or may not know, that Emma is a feminist activist. She helped the launch the HeForShe campaign, which aimed to address gender imbalance.
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Emma Watson Hits Back At Anti-Feminist Topless Photoshoot Claims

Another day, another controversy. Critics of actress Emma Watson went into overdrive this week when her Vanity Fair cover shoot showed the underside of her breasts. The year-old Harry Potter actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador is a big advocate for feminism, and her speeches brought the topic to the fore in a very viral way back in
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Emma Watson has rightfully schooled critics who had the nerve to claim she shouldn't be taken seriously as a feminist because she posed with parts of her breasts exposed on for Vanity Fair. Julia Hartley-Brewer, radio presenter, commentator and clearly idiot, tweeted out the picture of Watson with the caption: "Emma Watson: "Feminism, feminism Although much of Twitter came together to launch a collective counter attack on Julia spearheaded by this excellent man , on the press tour for Beauty and the Beast Watson was still asked to weigh in on the hate. Responding with real candor, the 26 year-old actress said she was "quietly stunned" by the response and that she did not know what "her tits had to do with [feminism]," before teaching Hartley-Brewer exactly what feminism means. Shout out to sweet baby Matthew Crawley Dan Stevens who, in an effort to keep it light, tries to redirect the conversation by reminiscing on the time Tim Walker the photographer behind Emma's Vanity Fair cover taking photos of him with flowers in his beard.
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