Sedky allegedly reached out to the victim using the pseudonym in November After messaging back and forth on Snapchat for several days, the student "felt comfortable" and sent him a nude picture of herself. Once he had access to the woman's page, he began demanding more naked pictures. He soon began threatening to post the original nude image on Facebook if she didn't send more. LSU police were able to attain a search warrant and gained access to the information corresponding with the suspect's usernames.
LSU teaching assistant accused of extorting nude pictures from student
University students pose nude for classes | Entertainment |
And having someone walk into one of her art classes, disrobe and stand naked before some 20 students wasn't quite the way she had expected to. Like most students in the Louisiana State University's College of Art and Design, Sandridge was required to take Art , a figure-drawing class based exclusively on sketching nude models. Even though she enjoys drawing, having to draw a nude model was not something to which she initially was looking forward. Rick Ortner, a figure drawing instructor in the art college, said few students have had objections to drawing nude models throughout his career.
The classroom is filled to capacity. Trivial murmurs invade the air as students gush about routine activities. Tidwell currently serves as an art model for the LSU College of Art and Design, where she poses twice a week for a beginning drawing and an advanced sculpture class. She is one of three to five full-time models hired every semester. Tidwell said she learned about the position after taking a figure drawing class her freshman year.
U-Wire April 4, The magazine has featured women from different football conferences each year for the college issue since The college issue has become an institution, said David Mecey, contributing photographer for Playboy.