Whenever you think of going naked, usually people would prefer to do it within the confines of somewhere private. Even though being nude is actually a pretty normal thing, since we are after all born naked and do certain things in the nude, the idea of going naked while being in public is something a lot of us will probably not do. In some parts of the world, it is considered illegal for an individual to go around without wearing any form of clothing. However, there are certain places in the world which have laws regarding those who want to show off their nudist tendencies.
CNN - Although still taboo in many places, casting aside your clothes at the shore has become a customary practice around the world in recent times. From rocky coastlines to talcum powder fine sands, and big city bays to secluded shores, there are now hundreds of beaches where it's perfectly legal or at least de facto legal to sunbathe, swim and otherwise frolic beside the sea in nothing more than your birthday suit. While clothing-optional beach destinations may seem like a modern invention, it's actually quite an old idea, a product of the otherwise prudish Victorian era. During the s, American poet Walt Whitman extolled the virtues of the "Adamic air bath" -- his nude walkabouts and swims along Timber Creek in New Jersey, writing of "The free exhilarating ecstasy of nakedness in Nature. Channeling that same vibe, the naturist movement took off in Europe and North America during the first half of the 20th century, with city parks, camp grounds and eventually beaches established for those who wanted to experience nature nude in their most natural state. One of the spin-offs of the socially and sexually liberal s was a "free beach" movement that saw a proliferation of nude beaches around the world.
It's 2014: Lawyer says time for legal nude beaches
The state of California has incident exposure laws, making it illegal if someone is naked with the intent of being sexual like masturbating in public , or intentionally offensive like flashing someone. But then the '60s arrived, and many saw nudity as a form of political, artistic or personal expression. College students streaked across the nation. In San Francisco, hippie culture was thriving, and Golden Gate Park became a favorite spot for nudists looking to get closer to nature.
Clothing laws vary considerably around the world. In general, in most countries, there are no laws which prescribe what clothing is required to be worn. However, the community standards of clothing are set indirectly by way of prosecution of those who wear something that is not socially approved.