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When her father learned a prophecy that he was destined to be killed by a son of his daughter, he locked Danae away in a subterranean, bronze chamber. Her prison, however, was infiltrated by the god Zeus who impregnated her in the guise of a golden shower. She conceived and bore a son named Perseus. As soon as her father learned of this, he placed Danae and the infant in a chest and set them adrift at sea.
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DANAE - Argive Princess of Greek Mythology

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This page describes three of Zeus' mortal liaisons--Danae who was impregnated by the god in the form of a golden shower, Antiope who was seduced by the god in the guise of a satyr, and Kallisto who was deceived by Zeus disguised as the maiden Artemis. She bore twins: Herakles by Zeus and Likymnios by her husband Amphitryon. She bore him twin sons Amphion and Zethos which were exposed at birth. Zeus seduced her in the form of a golden shower, and she gave birth to a son, the hero Perseus.
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Having travelled through Italy, Greece and the Aegean in his youth, Colin quickly became interested in the ancient mythology of the region. The stories of Greek mythology are often thought of as stories of heroic adventures, where good overcomes evil. There are certainly many tales of heroes fighting against overwhelming odds, but there are many stories that are not about fighting but are about relationships between gods, or between deities and mortals.
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