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The number one indication of a healthy fiddle leaf fig is new growth. So when fresh young leaves appear from the top of your plant, you may feel ecstatic. But wait — what are those tiny red spots on the new growth of your fiddle leaf fig? Yes, this is my own plant! Even experts can be caught off guard when caring for the celebrated ficus lyrata.
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Leaf Quotes (40 quotes)

Higher plants have to cope with fluctuating mineral resource availability. However, strategies such as stimulation of root growth, increased transporter activities, and nutrient storage and remobilization have been mostly studied for only a few macronutrients. Leaves of cultivated crops Zea mays, Brassica napus, Pisum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare and tree species Quercus robur, Populus nigra, Alnus glutinosa grown under field conditions were harvested regularly during their life span and analyzed to evaluate the net mobilization of 13 nutrients during leaf senescence. Ca and Mn, usually considered as having low phloem mobility were remobilized from leaves in wheat and barley. Overall, wheat, barley and oak appeared to be the most efficient at remobilization while poplar and maize were the least efficient. Further experiments were performed with rapeseed plants subjected to individual nutrient deficiencies. Compared to field conditions, remobilization from leaves was similar N—S—Cu or increased by nutrient deficiency K—P—Mg while nutrient deficiency had no effect on Mo—Zn—B—Ca—Mn, which seemed to be non-mobile during leaf senescence under field conditions.
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Leaf Quotes

Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Quotes tagged as "leaf" Showing of And that's the way new leaves grow. Isn't it strange?
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Leaf insect , family Phylliidae , also called walking leaf , any of more than 50 species of flat, usually green insects order Phasmida, or Phasmatodea that are known for their striking leaflike appearance. Leaf insects feed on plants and typically inhabit densely vegetated areas. Leaf insects measure roughly 28 to mm 1. Females of the largest known species, Phyllium giganteum , may exceed mm. Males tend to be smaller than females.
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