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Many countries have laws that prohibit donations of blood or tissue for organ transplants from men who have sex with men MSM , a classification of men who engage or have engaged in the past in sex with other men, regardless of whether they identify themselves as bisexual , gay or otherwise. Restrictions on donors are sometimes called "deferrals", since blood donors who are found ineligible may be found eligible at a later date. However, many deferrals are indefinite meaning that donation may not be accepted at any point in the future, thus constituting a de facto ban. Restrictions vary from country to country and in some countries practice of protected sex or periods of abstinence are not considered. The restrictions affect these men and, in some cases, any female sex partners. They do not otherwise affect other women, including women who have sex with women.
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Yet surveying the various panel discussions left me confused. Gay people were once policed as criminal subversives, depicted in the popular culture as deviants, and pathologized by the medical establishment as mentally ill. Now most of America views homosexuality as benign. Only 30 years ago, 57 percent of Americans believed consensual gay sex should be illegal. Today, same-sex marriage has been achieved nationally, gays can serve openly in the military, and most gay people live in states that protect them from discrimination.
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By Fahima Haque. Love is love, after all. While Thai law does not recognize same-sex marriages, the trio threw a symbolic ceremony under Buddhist law. Art and Joke met each other through mutual business and started dating after they worked together in
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An year-old man who was targeting members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community was charged with first-degree murder in the killings of three people in a Detroit home, the authorities said. Officials said the man, Devon Robinson, shot the victims — two of whom were gay and one who was a transgender woman — on May An investigation by the Detroit police led to his arrest on Thursday, prosecutors said in a statement. Officials said Mr.
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