T4 april fools joke

I stumbled across an interesting StackOverflow thread earlier this week. I had to read it a few times to notice what bothered me: it turns out that there is a status code for HTTP "I'm a teapot". Why in the world would HTTP need such a status code? I'd never heard of this before, and it got me wondering: whoever thought this up, and why?
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April Fool's Day jokes: How many did you spot? And did you miss any?

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Pokémon GO and the April Fools’ joke that made billions - Internet & Technology News

The Telegraph suggested that parliament was reviving an Oliver Cromwell-era statute to prohibit April Fool jokes , for fear they would spark panic-buying. The Times reports that dog owners can now get drones to do walkies for them. The devices would also be able to pick up and bin any dog mess. There had, apparently, been some mishaps with the prototypes, and reports that an excited Yorkshire Terrier was seen hovering over Gatwick before Christmas were left unconfirmed.
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April Fools' Day 2019: the best jokes and pranks in one place

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BottleCap said: Sounds like this was just a hoax by a rep. GMR2iron said: Any more updates to this thread? Has anybody heard anything new?
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