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The military have a way of boiling everything down to its most eloquent and basic foundation. They teach newcomers to embrace, what they refer to as "the Suck. It's that threshold where your body breaks down, and your mind takes over. If you're weak-minded, and ready to quit, your body will follow suit. If you're expecting "the suck.
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You suck. You’ll get better.

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No you're wrong, SharePoint doesn't suck - ShareGate

When someone is considering a career change, or is interested in software development and curious about what it takes, inevitably the question of programming comes up. I see it as a basic human skill, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic. Anyone can do it, it is part of our human capacities, but does need to be learned. Over the past two years of teaching, I have witnessed various students struggle in the process, and some common themes that come up in their struggles. If you look at this list and see them in yourself, rest assured, you will truly suck at programming and should probably find something else to do with your time. But, if you are still committed to your goal of becoming a developer, you can easily face these issues and change. Programming is a basic human skill, just like reading, writing and arithmetic.
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How to Suck at Leadership

Of course I'm cranky. I spent five hours at the dentist. That sucks. Anyone would be cranky. I need attention.
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