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Gay porn star turned Republican demigod Matt Sanchez finds himself in the spotlight once again. Straight and narrow, Sanchez decided to post their conversation on YouTube. This person claims to be a Marine. The two may be related, so I let this person call me. I play along.
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Right-wing Porn Marine Matt Sanchez "Bad at Being Gay" - Towleroad Gay News

In case you haven't been following it so far, John Aravosis of AmericaBlog , among other notables, like Towleroad , has been covering the latest revelation from within the GOP's ranks that their latest Marine darling, Matt Sanchez, was once a gay porn star. Sanchez has been on all the conservative chat shows talking about the poor reception he has received from "radical anti-military students" while recruiting for the Marines at Columbia University, which he attends, and the right-wingers have quickly come to his defense. What the conservatives apparently don't know is that Sanchez has acted in many gay adult films You might be thinking, "oh my god! And, for the record, swears he's straight.
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Matt Sanchez

Right-wing darling Marine Cpl. Matt Sanchez, a. Sanchez told blogger Joe.
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