Women having sex with another

Skip navigation! Story from Sex. Sophie Saint Thomas. It should go without saying that sex between two women is a beautiful thing.
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It can be done, but it might take you eight years. After driving across the country six times, interviewing hundreds of people, and writing some , words, Taddeo whittled her material down to highlight the poignant stories of—you guessed it— Three Women. Finally we meet Sloane, who owns a restaurant in a tiny, rumor-mill-of-a-town with her husband, who selects other men and women for them to have sex with. In late May over breakfast empanadas, Taddeo and I talked about what she set out to accomplish with Three Women , and how she was able to pull it off. GQ: How did you get the idea for the book?
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Why do women have less sex as they age?

Many people want and need to be close to others as they grow older. For some, this includes the desire to continue an active, satisfying sex life. With aging, that may mean adapting sexual activity to accommodate physical, health, and other changes. There are many different ways to have sex and be intimate—alone or with a partner.
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Experimenting with someone of the same sex is thankfully less taboo than it's ever been. And according to a survey from the sex toy company Adam and Eve, 30 percent of women have done just that. And 19 percent of men surveyed said they've experimented with other men.
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