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Lack of oral sex came alongside a general lack of commitment to my sexual pleasure, unless it was easy and complemented what he wanted to do anyway. When it came to oral sex he would recoil as if disgusted I guess I just thought there was something wrong with my vagina. Skip navigation! Story from Sex. Marie-Claire Chappet.
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How to Give a Girl (Amazing) Oral Sex: 4 Simple Steps

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5 Oral Sex Moves You've Never Tried — Men's Health

This may happen in all sorts of ways: They stop asking for it politely, have taken to just lying back and spreading their legs, they push your head down never OK. Now I have no choice. Here's how to have that conversation about expectation and boundaries, and put oral sex back into the routine on your terms. If you stop giving head, you think your partner will start looking for it somewhere else.
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What She's Thinking When You're Going Down

A reader asks:. We seem to get asked this one a lot So let's address it: how to give a girl oral sex.
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Listen, you know what you're doing. But the art of oral sex is less pointillist and more impressionist. So in case you're looking to prefect the near-perfect, here's deeply reported piece on a look at what she's thinking while you're going to work.
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