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Prostitution in Trinidad and Tobago

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TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO-HEALTH: The High Cost of Sex Tourism | Inter Press Service

Tourism and promiscuity are being blamed by health experts for the fast rising incidence of the dreaded Acquired Immmune Deficiency Syndrome AIDS in Tobago, an island that has begun to establish itself as an alternative to traditional tourist destinations in the Caribbean. Whereas Tobago had only a few cases of infection prior to , in Trinidad, AIDS was already the third ranking cause of death for men between the ages of 15 and 24 years and the second ranking cause of death for men in the age group 25 to 34 years. Now, at least one person in all but one of the villages in Tobago, has tested positive for the HIV virus. Between and , persons, most of them male, tested positive for the virus, with 91 deaths within this period. These statistics show only part of the picture. Not included in the official figures are those people who choose to be tested in private laboratories or in Trinidad.
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Sex Island facing trouble as Trinidad and Tobago threaten to shut it down ahead of upcoming event

The event is said to be a four-day, three-night "sex-travaganza" set to begin on December 14 and end on December According to the report, a representative of Sex Island says the company has gotten permission to host the event from "authorities" in Trinidad and Tobago. According to the Sexual Offences Act, a person who procures another for prostitution, whether or not the person procured is already a prostitute, either in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere is liable on conviction, to imprisonment for 15 years.
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I just came back from a week in Tobago. We stayed at the Rex Turtle Beach resort. I posted a review under the hotel, so won't repeat that here.
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