Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has denied rumours that him and his actress-wife Kareena Kapoor Khan took a sex determination test for their baby. There were rumours that the couple secretly went in for a gender test of their yet unborn child, and that they had planned to have the baby in London. It was in July this year when Khan, 46, shared the news that he and Kapoor Khan are expecting their first child together in December. Khan, who was earlier married to actress Amrita Singh and has two children with her, Sara and son Ibrahim, tied the knot with Kapoor Khan in
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K areena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have quashed the rumours doing the rounds about the sex-determination test of their unborn child. The actress' spokesperson stated, 'The report is completely baseless and the couple strongly denies any such incident. There was no such discussion with any doctor in London and the report is purely a figment of someone's imagination. We would like to request everyone not to unnecessary sensationalise a private issue. To the unversed, the buzz had it that Saif and Bebo visited a doctor in London for check-up and got the news that they were going to have a son. While the couple is expecting their first child in December, Kareena will commence shooting for her film Veera Di Wedding from next month and will wrap it in October.
Actor Saif Ali Khan has rubbished rumours that his actress wife Kareena Kapoor underwent a sex determination test for their baby. Gossip mills have been abuzz that Kareena and Saif secretly went on to take the gender test of their unborn child and that they plan to have the baby in London. However, Saif in a statement, sought to put all the rumours to rest and said, "I want to let everyone know that we have not yet had our child and we still don't know the sex of the child. We will not be having our child in London and the name of the child will definitely not be called Saifeena.
Bollywood star couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, who are expecting their first baby, have rubbished reports of having done a sex determination test in Britain. The two bollywood celebrities - Saif 45 married the 35 years old Kareena in According to some media reports, the couple visited a doctor in London for a check-up and the sex determination recently. Earlier, superstar Shah Rukh Khan had faced similar accusations when his son Abram was born. Saif has two children, daughter Sara and son Ibrahim, from his previous marriage to the actress Amrita Singh.
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