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By Tracy Wright For Dailymail. He's clearly comfortable in his own skin with his new role on HBO's Euphoria. And Eric Dane admitted to Glamour that he harbors no ill-will toward the leaked naked tape with his now ex-wife Rebecca Gayheart and former Miss U. Teen Kari Ann Peniche.
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Eric Dane’s Naked Threesome Home Video: Attorney - “This Is Not A Sex Tape”

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Eric Dane, the Most Sexualized Man in Hollywood | Glamour

His hair was so sleek, stubble so precise, six-pack so clearly defined, that there was no choice but to make him a series regular, a move that was rewarded with a nickname forever embedded in pop-culture history: McSteamy. It was so many that an entire subset of his disgruntled former fictional lovers formed the Nurses United Against Mark Sloan group. I think Mark Sloan was just looking to have fun all the time. And one of the ways Mark Sloan liked to have fun was to connect with people sexually.
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Rebecca Gayheart

Skip navigation! Story from TV Shows. In , a leaked tape featuring Eric Dane, then-wife Rebecca Gayheart, and a third woman in a bathtub surfaced without consent from the parties involved. And looking back now, was it a mistake?
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Rebecca Gayheart born August 12, is an American fashion model and actress. Gayheart began her career as a teen model in the s, and subsequently appeared in a student short film by Brett Ratner , with whom she had an extensive relationship. In the early s, Gayheart signed a contract with Noxzema , and became a spokesperson for the company. On television, she had a starring role on the series Earth 2 — and was a recurring guest star on Beverly Hills, in She made her feature film debut in the comedy Nothing to Lose , and had a lead role in the slasher film Urban Legend
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