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11 Must-Know Oral Sex Tips from Real Women

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8 Women Reveal Why They Actually Like Giving Oral Sex | Men’s Health

A private Facebook group frequented by current and former U. Border Patrol agents has become a hotbed of controversy after leaked images showed members sharing lewd pictures of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and suggesting a heart-rending photo of a drowned migrant and his toddler daughter was staged. Screen captures of some postings include a Photoshopped image depicting the New York Democratic socialist congresswoman performing oral sex on a migrant man, and another portraying President Donald Trump forcing her head into his lap for another sex act.
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Many women have their go-to oral sex moves that they know will work every. But why keep all of that great intel to themselves? We asked around to get real women's best tips for amazing oral. The goal: To make it great for you and pretty damn mind-blowing for him. Use your hands to hold at the base.
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Thank you for your interest oral sex etiquette. While it's true that women actively pursue a good time, performing oral sex is not the act of martyrdom some would have you believe. You see, a lot of women have an innate attraction to the penis, or at least think it's "neat. So here's your guide to making the experience enjoyable for all parties involved. It's certainly possible, if you study up.
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