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To guide you into a state of Fantasyland you never thought possible. Our Goddesses are the real deal. They love what they do. When you call, you will be the center of their universe. If you would like to explore a variety of fantasies and fetishes, check out just a few of the delights our Goddesses offer. If you would like to explore a variety of fantasies and fetishes , check out just a few of the delights our Goddesses offer.
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Tips For Creating & Selling Erotic Audio

I know the mechanics, the tech side, of making them. I have, on occasions, made them for regular clients. I understand the monetary value of selling them. I know that may flip a few switches, but, honestly, they sound silly to me. Who better to ask about this than a professional who produces and sells erotic audio files AND a regular consumer of adult audio?
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Phone sex is a sexually explicit telephone conversation for the purpose of getting sexual gratification. Phone sex takes imagination on both parties to titillate the most powerful sex organ—the brain. For several decades now phone sex had been the legal way for men to find sexual release without soliciting prostitutes. Using phone sex chat lines is widely regarded as an exciting option to talk about passions and fantasies anonymously. The way this worked was super-hot sultry voices were hired to answer phone calls from men wanting sexual release during phone calls.
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