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Traditionally, our wives and girlfriends sit and wait for us to pick a hotel that they want for Valentine's Day - but why can't we turn the tables and do things differently? We scoured the internet looking for epic hotel ideas that will inspire romance this Valentine's Day in a completely different manner than the typical 4-star resort with breakfast in bed! Each of these motels caters to fantasies or have themed rooms that will make your Valentine's Day that much more fun compared to a eewwey gooey, boring romantic night at a typical hotel with red roses and chocolates. In the 's they introduced the first themed rooms and started to be referred to as the "Pocono of the White Mountains". Unlike some of the locations on this list that cater specifically to romantic getaways and "adult fantasies", Adventure Suites also has huge suites designed for groups of people.
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The results? Throwing yourself into a different environment ignites that carnal desire and encourages you to have sex worthy of your surroundings. From a sexy boutique stay in NYC to a romantic safari hideaway in Tanzania, these 20 hot hotels are guaranteed to give you a memorable night. Humphrey Bogart married his first wife on the hotel rooftop; Joseph Kennedy stayed there in the same year he began his extramarital affair with silver screen siren, Marlene Dietrich ; and The Rolling Stones checked in after finishing their first American tour. You and your lover will dwell in abandoned caves bathed in a candlelit glow, and set against a backdrop of ancient churches and the rugged Italian hillside.
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I want a naughty goodnight note and at minimum HBO with its laid-back, full frontal approach to entertainment programming. One of my favorite options. The Suite also has a grocery service for an extra fee. Aside from the available photo-shoots and romantic set-up you can purchase, my favorite is the option to purchase sex toys through them.
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