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Shannon Marks started her journalism career in She was a reporter at the "Beachcomber" in Rehoboth Beach, Del. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in literature from Temple University. Libido is a term that refers to your sex drive or sexual desire. In men, sex drive is primarily controlled by testosterone.
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Eating more fish could increase your sex drive, according to science - Business Insider

According to nutritionists, what a guy eats can have a massive affect on his sex life and making simple changes can spice it up. Charlie Turner and Lee Foster, founders of Neat Nutrition have come up with seven magic foods that can boost their libido, says News. Photograph: Pixabay. Dark chocolate This wonder of nature never ceases to surprise us. Dark chocolate increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, making us happy and then puts us in the 'mood'.
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Men, try these foods to increase your sex drive

May 23, pm Updated May 24, am. Couples who eat at least two portions of seafood a week have more sex and get pregnant faster, a study found. Data on couples who were trying to conceive was analyzed by scientists from the Harvard T.
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There are many health benefits to eating fish, and an increased libido might be one. There are often mixed opinions on the idea that certain foods can increase sexual desire. But a new study provides evidence that a fish-rich diet might actually improve your sex life.
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