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Feel free to ask for what you want Keep it short, words or less, this is just an initial contact. Remember to double check your return email address or your phone number if you prefer to be called. Psychology Today does not read or retain your email.
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Sex Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

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Sex Therapist I Sex Therapy I Los Angeles

I work using a sex positive lens that includes everything from gender expression, monogamy, consensual kink to sexual compulsivity. By the time someone finds my website, they have often been struggling with a sexual issue for a long time and it has taken a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help. I have deep respect for the human experience and the challenges we face when it comes to something as personal and private as sexuality. This includes but is not limited to erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, vulvodynia, vaginismus, rapid ejaculation and various forms of painful intercourse. Our sexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are. When we are not confident or self-expressed in this part of our life, it affects our whole life.
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Couples Sex Therapy in Los Angeles

Good for you! The truth is, our sexuality changes throughout our lifetime. Whether you are trying to cope with the damage to your relationship and restore your sex life after sex addiction or infidelity, you are dealing with a physical problem in the bedroom, or you are simply looking to expand your horizons and experience better sex with your partner, Dr. Chavez can help!
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Further, I help individuals heal from problems that keep them stuck in a vicious cycle. I am committed to helping people approach health and wellness holistically with a focus on strengths. Further, I believe change occurs within the context of a positive therapeutic alliance and my focus is on helping individuals and couples make significant change in their lives to thrive. This is what I do, and I would love the opportunity to help you create the life you want, need, and deserve.
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