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Sometimes, your urine can even take on a sulfur-like scent. Learn what may be behind this, which other symptoms to watch for, and when to see your doctor. Asparagus is notorious for making urine smell like sulfur after you eat it. This is because our bodies convert the asparagusic acid it contains into sulfur-containing chemicals.
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Skunking Incident – Coffee To the Rescue

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The Disturbing Secret Behind the World’s Most Expensive Coffee

This homemade skunk smell remover is an easy recipe to make to remove skunk odor and it really works! It uses common ingredients all of us have on hand! Maybe someone in your family stumbled across a skunk and now you want to remove the skunk odor. This recipe will definitely do the trick! I thought with summer here and with many of us spending more and more time outside some of you might end up needing a good skunk smell remover! It might even be wise to take the ingredients with you on your picnics or camping trips, although these are basic ingredients and you may have them with you anyway. My neighbor has a cabin by a lake and had to use this recipe about four times last year alone when a skunk made a nest under her porch.
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Why does my urine smell like coffee?

News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. MOST of us have suffered the sudden unpleasant stench of our wee at one time or another. One of the many chemical compounds in the tasty vegetable is asparagusic acid — which, as you may have already guessed, is unique to asparagus. Once in our digestive system, the acid breaks down into sulphur compounds — the same ones that give skunk spray its unbearable stench — and enter a stinky gaseous state when they hit the air via urine. Certain spices maintain their pungency even after passing through your bodily system — not least curry ingredients cumin and coriander.
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She paints a hilarious picture of the aftermath and the attempt to restore her bedroom to a stink-free zone so that she and her husband could get some sleep. In the process she discovered yet another use for coffee grounds. It seems the skunk had been scouting out the area under the open bedroom window when it was startled and inspired to express its natural startle reflex. She and her husband scrambled to close the window but it was too late. An internet search informed her that to remove the smell, one should put Vapo-rub in the nostrils to mask the smell while de-stinking; place coffee grounds in a shallow dish near the stinky area and put apple cider vinegar in a shallow dish in the area as well.
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