Piss on the river run

If carbon is added to paddocks where cows urinate it can reduce the runoff of nitrogen into waterways meaning more nutrients for pasture growth and cleaner creeks and rivers. This research finding is a win for both the farmers and the environment and was published in the international Journal of Environmental Management earlier this month by Griffith University PhD student, Amanda Neilen. High levels of nitrogen in our waterways cause the algal blooms that can choke the life out a river or smother a reef. Loss of nitrogen from farm paddocks means there are also fewer nutrients available for plant and animal growth. Every time cows urinate they can release up to two litres of nutrient-rich fluid. But much of this fluid can be lost from the soil and plants, especially during the high summer rainfall that southeast Queensland experiences.
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Ask Eartha: How to pee on the river | toutesannoncesgratuites.com

The vast freshwater ecosystem of the Amazon River is home to abundant animal life, and many of its species thrive by virtue of their ferocity. These fish do not hunt in packs like the piranha, nor are they exceptionally large like the anaconda. The tiny hunter shadows its prey, almost invisible due to its translucent body and small size. Within less than a second it penetrates the gill and wriggles its way into place, erecting an umbrella-like array of spines to secure its position. Though it may seem that the exploited host fish has escaped, its injuries are so extensive that chances of survival are grim.
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Piss on the river run

News April 25, This is a dilemma we all face in our travels through the natural world. Where should we do our liquid business? Is the solution dilution of urine with river water or to forge a path on land to pee?
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A graphic video of a man urinating at a cricket ground dressed in the Indian tricolour is being shared with a false claim that the man is a Pakistan national. The undated video shows the man removing his shorts and urinate on the cricket grounds with someone in the background recording the incident and cheering him on. After urinating, the man gets up and cheers loudly. The man is wearing a vest and a turban with the Indian tricolour on it. BOOM received the post on our helpline asking about the identity of the man and whether he was a Pakistan national.
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