A pale, red-headed teenager was stopped from getting on a plane because staff mistook her coloring for being ill. Only after Grace produced written confirmation from her doctor back home in Scotland was she allowed to fly. Her dad, Paul, said: "I told them, 'We live in Scotland,' she is a redhead and has a pale complexion. That's just the way she is.
did my appearance offend? (red hair, pale, ankle tattoo) - Malaysia Forum
Red hair - Wikipedia
From ginger to jewel tones, red is always a bold choice. And while it might be a big change, several experts predict we'll see it as a top trend in Next time you're feeling like a big change, show your colorist one of these gorgeous takes on scarlet strands. This is the color Matrix celebrity stylist George Papanikolas predicts will be everywhere in
Specifically, my Wife and I had a miserable time there, as she was publicly and obviously stared at, laughed at, jeered at - particularly amongst younger females, but stared at by older females. Men didn't bat an eyelid. If a group of young teenagers were around, they would, en-masse, stop and giggle amongst themselves, looking and pointing at her. My wife is a strong personality, and has never been treated this badly in her life, and I wanted to get to the bottom of why she might be treated this way, to prevent others from going to Marrakesh and suffer the same humiliation. The only real distinguishing factor we could put it down to is that she has long, flaming red, curly hair and green eyes.
My husband is from George Town on Penang Island and we visited last year and I met my inlaws in person for the first time they are wonderful! My husband's family is Chinese and very open minded but I felt like when I walked around the island my appearance seemed to really offend a lot of people men and women, old and young and I don't know why. I am in my late 40s with curly red hair shoulder length , extremely pale skin, and have a small black lizard tattoo on my ankle college days - oy.