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The first text that popped out on my desktop was some kind of psychological study about a patient that had a delusional disorder and had resorted to frequent, violent masturbation. Remembering back, reading the news or hearing about situations that have happened around town, I do kind of remember that mentally disturbed people did resort to taking their clothes off if they had any and masturbating in public. Instead of thinking things through, it just feels fleeting emotions, and reacts without thinking about any of the long-term side effects. There is nothing worse than comparing yourself and your actions to those of a mentally-ill person.
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Not all women masturbate, and that’s fine: 6 women tell us why they don’t

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Masturbation is a normal part of sexual health. However, if masturbation prevents you from performing daily tasks or it interferes with your work or responsibilities, it may be time to try to create a better relationship with the activity. In fact, it can be quite beneficial.
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