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When you think about sex in the abstract, you probably envision yourself floating in a fluffy white cloud of bed sheets, busting out perfectly executed orgasms left and right in sheer and utter ecstasy. But take a minute to really think about what happens in bed. Sure, that whole fluffy cloud thing may happen once in a blue moon, but it can also get reeeal awkward up in there—and that's because reaching the big O can be tricky. But remember: Confidence is the sexiest thing of all, so if you own these moves, then, um, what's the problem again? The Silent Night "After we have sex in missionary or whatever else for a little bit, I have to get on top, and lie completely horizontally on my guy's stomach. Then, I basically have to just grind on top of him in a small circle in silence until I climax—it's so anti-climactic!
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