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Photoshop CC does not have a separate Extended offering. For example, use the Notes tool to add a comment to the file, the Pencil tool to mark a specific area of the scan or the Dust And Scratches filter to remove dust or scratches from a scan. Use the Ruler or selection tools to make measurements of image content. See Set the measurement scale. During the import you can also perform pans, zooms, and window leveling. The DICOM import dialog box also displays DICOM header information—textual information about the file, such as its dimensions, data resolution, and whether the data has been compressed.
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Jump to navigation. It's pretty well known that Linux is a big deal in modern movie making. Linux is the standard base, a literal industry standard for digital effects but, like all technology with momentum, it seems that the process of cutting footage still defaults mostly to a non-Linux platform.
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People and businesses who wish to create branded videos or produce motion-graphics for their existing videos using first-class designs without using complicated software or cashing out for hires;. People who create and sell motion graphic designs who are looking for an alternative income source. Registering allows you try out all editor features and produce watermarked video previews.
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