Clit jewelry pictures

Feminist icon and all-around legend Gloria Steinem continues to be a trailblazer, and this time she's proudly wearing a clitoris ring. Caledonia Curry, an artist also known as "Swoon" who founded the Heliotrope Foundation community for artists, shared a photo on her Instagram account of Steinem wearing the "Clitoring" made by Penelopijones jewelry. The ring is an anatomically correct rendering of the clitoris, which is actually much larger in size than most people realize. Gloria Steinem is hands down one of the most perfect recipients of this ring, and we are so excited to see that she loves it.
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7 Ways To Dress Up Your Clitoris WITHOUT Piercing It

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Dirty Piercing Photos

If you want to dress up your vagina , there aren't really that many options. I hate underwear oh my god so much , I hate lingerie even more it's like lace dental floss up your butt , and while I enjoy my sex with a little slice of pain, even I have to admit that the mere THOUGHT of getting a clit piercing is enough to make my poor heart swoon. It turns out there's another option when it comes to fancying up your vagina, one that involves neither fabric trying to insert itself inside of you nor having a non-medical professional jab at your clitoris with a needle! It's jewelry, but for your clitoris. Part thong, part necklace, all awesome, clitoral jewelry is a great alternative for girls who hate lingerie but who still want to give their partner a sexy thrill. I've pulled together a list of 7 totally unique pieces of clitoral jewelry to get you inspired or just to make the people who happen to be walking by your computer deeply uncomfortable.
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Dirty Piercing Porn

As with any aspect of sexual practice, what feels good is a subjective thing; what one person finds pleasurable, another may find annoying, troublesome, painful, or otherwise undesirable. Another consideration when discussing genital piercings is that the pain and infection risk in getting one must be weighed against the possible reward in terms of sexual satisfaction. Here, we'll try to demystify the complicated relationships between piercings and pleasure.
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I researched vertical clitoral hood piercings for almost a year before I decided to get one. I talked myself out of it for months, pretending the time wasn't right and I was too busy, or that I hadn't done enough research. When I ran out of links to click and pictures to examine, I finally accepted that it was now or never. If I really wanted it, I would need to stop thinking about it and simply do it. Vertical clitoral hood VCH piercings are the most popular female genital piercings, because of the quick healing time its natural conformity to the anatomical shape of the wearer.
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