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Kasalong Blowjob Bar is one of the best blowjob bars in Bangkok. Located near Nana BTS, its best known for its skillful girls that can provide a really good and deep blowjob. The Kasalong Blowjob Bar is located at the end of an alley and the girls see you coming from a distance. As you approach the shop, the girls will start waving and hooting and generally try to get your attention. As you stand outside the shop, find a girl you like and give her a smile.
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Verified Recipe Contributed by Dan Q. In a shot glass, slowly pour the amaretto, then the Irish cream, and top it with the whipped cream without mixing. Enter a valid email address. I am over 21 and have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Permanently save Blow Job and the others to your Liquor.
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It's also very popular , especially when ordered as a round and shared with friends at the bar. The blow job shot is a creamy mix of amaretto and Irish cream topped with whipped cream and it is one of the tastiest shots you can mix up. It is also very easy and both liqueurs are inexpensive, so this is a great option for parties.
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