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She's the first female solo artist to have seven singles simultaneously on the Billboard chart. Kenneth Petty's popularity grew unwilling after his relationship was confirmed with Nicki Minaj. According to Nicki Minaj's posts on her Instagram account, the two are involved in a broken relationship. Nicki Minaj has shared a regarding their photo together, unofficial announcing that they are dating.
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Date of Birth: 8 December, Age: Weight: 62 kg pounds. Breast size: cm 40 in. Waist size: 71 cm 28 in. Hair Color: Changeable Naturally Black. The unusual rapper Nicki Minaj has really unusual appearance. She has voluptuous body, she wears multicolored wigs and her full lips are always colored with incredibly pink lipstick.
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Nicki Minaj Biography

Fashion contact lenses seize celebrity fashion style because it changes their looks on screen, in movies or music videos. S he wears contact lenses and so her eye color is constantly changing with her hair color. She wears different colors and sometimes wears multi colored wigs.
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Nicki Minaj is an American singer and rapper born on December 8, After earning initial public attention with the release of her three mixtapes during to , she was finally signed by Young Money Entertainment in Nicki released her debut album Pink Friday in which garnered huge commercial success and a number of its singles reached at top position over music charts in various countries.
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