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The few previous studies testing whether or not microexpressions are indicators of deception have produced equivocal findings, which may have resulted from restrictive operationalizations of microexpression duration. In this study, facial expressions of emotion produced by community participants in an initial screening interview in a mock crime experiment were coded for occurrence and duration. Various expression durations were tested concerning whether they differentiated between truthtellers and liars concerning their intent to commit a malicious act in the future. We also compared expressions occurring between 0.
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Microexpressions Differentiate Truths From Lies About Future Malicious Intent

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Should VR teachers always be humanoid? - Big Think

That afternoon, mother and daughter had had a fight in a grocery-store parking lot. At P. By the following day, Karissa was still unaccounted for and the Bridgewater police began notifying other precincts. They issued a media alert and began a full search effort. On January 29th, the police station held a press conference. Penny, distraught, pleaded for her daughter to return, in a widely televised appeal.
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Sexual Assault And Harassment May Have Lasting Health Repercussions For Women

Mara Gordon. Can a sexual assault increase your risk of high blood pressure, even years later? Recent research suggests yes.
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Anyone who's donned a virtual reality VR headset knows what an amazing experience it can be. Whether you find yourself reaching for a bowl of tea in a Mongolian yurt, pulling back on the controls of a jet fighter screaming through the sky, or taking the part of a character in some fantasy world, the technology's immersive power is beyond cool — it can be profound. Little wonder then that educators are eager to bring VR to classrooms so that students can learn by virtual doing: Visit distant locales as they learn geography, float through the human blood stream in biology classes, and walk among and "touch" visualizations of math concepts, to name just a few of the intriguing possibilities. That VR should have value in the education space seems obvious. But exactly how it can be more effectively used, being such a new medium, is largely unknown.
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