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It's currently being rumoured that an old sex tape featuring Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan is close to being released on the internet. And funnily enough, we're not exactly shocked to hear by the news The year-old actress, who ironically was at the launch of a luxury sex toy in LA last night, can allegedly be seen frolicking naked with a mystery male in the second tape. And the man in possession of the footage and threatening to leak it, is said to be a waiter with a well-known chain restaurant, according to the Daily Mirror.
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The former star of the s TV sitcom "Eight Is Enough" has suffered from some pretty grim health and financial problems since her acting career ended decades ago. The Enquirer checked in with Susan Richardson, 60, who lives in a rotting trailer in Wagontown, Pennsylvania. Some vacationing Los Angeles Times subscribers who put their paper delivery on hold—precisely to avoid calling attention to the fact they're out of town—ended up being targeted by a burglary ring in the San Gabriel Valley.
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