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Creating Inappropriate Characters Could Get You Banned In Soul Calibur 6

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Soul Calibur VI's Female Fighters Get Slut-Shamed, Body-Shamed By Kotaku - One Angry Gamer

Taki is a Japanese demon-hunting kunoichi and the greatest warrior of the Fu-Ma ninja clan, who is traveling the world on a quest to destroy the powerful swords known as Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. Taki has been introduced in the original arcade version of Soul Edge in as one of the main characters along with her friend Sophitia. Taki has been featured as a player character in every main entry in the series up until 's Soulcalibur V , when her place was taken by her own young disciple named Natsu , but returned in 's Soulcalibur VI. In terms of gameplay, Taki is most capable at close quarters fighting where her speed, acrobatic agility and powerful kicks are the most effective. Taki has achieved a significant popularity among the fans of the series, especially in the West. She has received mostly positive feedback, often having been for noted her iconic status in the Soul series and regarded as one of the best female ninja characters in video games as well as one of sex symbols of the fighting genre and gaming in general, sometimes being compared in these aspects to the likes of Mai Shiranui and the ninja women from Mortal Kombat. Taki debuted as one of the eight original characters in Soul Edge , [note 3] set in the year
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While we are still trying to get to know Soul Calibur 6 gameplay after it released but some players are way ahead in time. These bunch of players has been creating all sorts of weird characters in the game. Developers intend to ban Soul Calibur 6 players creating such custom characters.
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