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Moreover, when national nastiness did rear its ugly head it was with such ridiculous fare as Dream Demon and, oddly enough, the Clive Barker-penned monster-mash Rawhead Rex In doing so, the author showed a new generation of gore-hounds that our fine island could still chalk up a crimson-caked classic from time to time. I think we were doing something that was going slightly against the grain of what else was happening in the horror world at the time — this was not Friday The 13th Part 19 or whatever. But when you are making a film you tend to just keep your head down and get on with it so I never really grasped what a big deal Hellraiser was going to be. I certainly did not expect to be sitting here 25 years down the line talking about it.
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Looking back at Hellraiser - the film that threatened to "tear your soul apart"

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The Jury | Hellraiser Film Series Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Hellraiser was released 30 years ago and it remains one of the best horror movies to ever grace screens. Directed by Clive Barker from his own novella, The Hellbound Heart , it tells the story of a puzzle box with the power to raise hell… literally. It also spawned a franchise that quickly took a nosedive into direct to video hell. When Doug Bradley was cast as Pinhead, he probably had no idea that the character would go on to become a pop culture icon.
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Posted on Monday, October 29th, by Rob Hunter. As mentioned in part one , where I explored the first three DTV sequels films five through seven in the franchise , these are all first-time watches for me. As much as I love Barker and his original Hellraiser film, I felt no need to devote time to these desperate sequels. Hellraiser: Hellworld : Hellraiser is real.
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News Videos. So yes, Hellraiser: Judgment is currently filming in Oklahoma under the direction of long-time franchise effects artist Gary Tunnicliffe, and right now we have a casting breakdown and synopsis along with some eye candy. Check it out ,and let us know what you think of the new Cenobites described!
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