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Pregnant MILF with huge boobs gets naked -
Pregnancy for women signals change. Big change, not only to your life and your priorities, but also to your body. And for some women, this can lead to insecurities about stretch marks that weren't there before, or boobs that might not be quite as perky as they were previously. So when we dug out this Reddit feed asking men what they thought of their partner's evolving bodies while pregnant, we were instantly curious to see what they thought from an outside point of view. And while all this makes for interesting reading, it's important to remember that someone's opinion is someone's opinion.
Damien Hirst’s giant, naked pregnant mother arrives in Ilfracombe
Aside from the whole growing-a-baby thing, hair sprouts in weird places , your skin stretches in ways you probably never thought were possible, and your boobs usually go up a cup size or two, seemingly overnight. While these kinds of changes can be temporary, pregnancy can also impact your body in more permanent ways. Check out her full Facebook post here:.
Hundreds of residents looked with a mixture of emotions today after a sculpture of a huge, naked, heavily pregnant woman with a sword arrived in their seaside town on a flatbed trailer. It was their first glimpse of the controversial 70ft tall statue by Damien Hirst which has stirred up controversy since he announced plans earlier this year to "loan" it to Ilfracombe, Devon, until The council has received more than complaints from locals who have described the work of art as "obscene and disgusting. It is now being kept in a temporary compound on site at the entrance to the harbour while contractors continue to work on the sculpture. It is understood the statue will be hoisted into place on October , dependent on weather conditions.