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It asked developers to remove settings that allowed users to toggle on and off the ability to browse NSFW content. It likely made the request because Apple's App Store Review Guidelines forbid apps "with user-generated content or services that end up being used primarily for pornographic content. The topic came up in Motherboard's Slack, and several of us were surprised to learn that there are still ways to look at porn on Reddit apps. So I thought I'd write a guide for those of you suffering from Apple's prudishness. This method is for the official Reddit app, but I tested it in popular third party apps like iAlien, Narwhal, BaconReader, and Antenna and found the process is essentially the same. Alternatively, you can also bypass this procedure entirely by using a web browser where NSFW is always available , but using an app is often more convenient.
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The Best Porn Addiction Apps for the iPhone

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The Best Porn Addiction Apps for the iPhone

Nowadays, it is all different. Not only is it not that secretive anymore but it is easily available on the internet. This is no laughing matter, as there are millions of men and women everywhere around the world who are addicted and need serious help to overcome this nasty addiction. Luckily, there is another, more positive side of the internet, so you can now download apps for iPhone that can help you with your porn addiction problem. It is meant for all those who need counseling and guidance.
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Block explicit results on Google using SafeSearch

You can filter explicit search results on Google, like pornography, with the SafeSearch setting. When SafeSearch is on, it helps block explicit images, videos, and websites from Google Search results. When SafeSearch is off, we'll provide the most relevant results for your search and may include explicit content when you search for it.
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At least when it comes to porn popping up in the most unintended of places, like the web browser of your brand-new smartphone. Do you have a tech question keeping you up at night? Tired of troubleshooting your Windows or Mac? Looking for advice on apps, browser extensions, or utilities you can use to accomplish a particular task?
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