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Last year, The Amity Affliction joined a very elite club. They became one of a small group of Australian artists to have seen an album debut at the 1 spot on the ARIA albums chart. It put a cap on yet another busy twelve months for the band that included an enormous sold-out national tour, playing at the Big Day Out and signing a worldwide deal with Roadrunner Records. Bassist and vocalist Ahren Stringer is under no illusions about what this means for the band and their next album.
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Get pages of Amity's most scintillating. Description: On January 7, , a young woman swam with friends in the ocean near an unpatrolled beach at Amity Point, off North Stradbroke Island in south-east Queensland. The beach was unpatrolled and the day was getting old. When year old Sarah Whiley suddenly yelled "shark", her friends and those on the beach thought she was kidding.
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