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Gay Pennsylvania Trucker

The Right is finally getting its US trucker convoy. This week, some Pennsylvania truckers are launching a convoy in protest of US pandemic restrictions. If they find any restrictions left, they should let us know. Penn Live reports that an "undetermined number" of truckers will leave Scranton, the home of President Joe Biden, and head for Washington DC where they will air their Festivus-worthy grievances. Scranton business owner and Donald Trump lover Bob Bolus bolus, noun: 1, a small rounded mass of a substance, especially of chewed food at the moment of swallowing. Republicans have not so subtly expressed their yearning for a domestic version of the economically devastating Canadian trucker blockades.
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Big Dumb US Trucker Convoy Limps Off To Washington DC

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Welcome to Gayly Dreadful, your one stop shop for all things gay and dreadful and sometimes gayly dreadful. It seems to me to be the most quintessentially American horror genre, our obsession with manifest destiny and westward expansion come back to haunt us, to punish us for thinking we deserve to drive at will across vast expanses of barren desert, to speed toward the ever-distant horizon in our gas-guzzling automobiles, without a care in the world. Who do we think we are? What hubris.
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