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My Breasts Are Waiting For You

Routine breast screening appointments restarted. Breast screening services were temporarily postponed across the country in response to the COVID pandemic. We are now able to restart breast screening again, and are contacting patients to rearrange their screening appointments. You will be contacted via an appointment letter with information about your screening appointment, but please be aware that to ensure the safety of our staff and patients we will have new processes in place to limit the risk of COVID transmission.
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The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust: breast screening department

Your breasts can communicate a lot about what's going on inside your body. Use these signs to learn what your breasts are telling you — and see your medical care provider if you suspect something is up. A quick note for hypochondriacs who are concerned about breast cancer: Generally speaking, symmetry is good and change that exceeds that of your normal cycle could be cause for concern. It could mean you're gaining weight.
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Check, update or join the register. Your mammogram will be checked by 2 consultant radiologists breast x-ray specialists. They will check for any suspicion of cancer.
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This service is available to the women of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Our aim is to provide and promote an efficient and effective, high quality breast screening service, to all eligible women within a caring environment. If you feel like you may have missed an appointment and would like to check, please call us on In November we had Hologic 3Dimensions mammography equipment installed.
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