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Flasshing My Big Ass

AN Instagram model famed for flashing her rear-end at unsuspecting tourists on the streets of New York has gone viral. Anastasia Fields - a year-old model who goes by the username vegilates on Instagram - took to the streets of NYC during the Covid pandemic to show off her butt and spread joy. Her gram account shows her flashing her ass-et in some of the city's most famous spots, including the Brooklyn Bridge, Hudson Yards and Times Square. Fields donned a black sequined dress, black stiletto boots, and a face mask as she stood in between two cops and lifted up the back of her dress. But she tells the Post of her "tough and brutal" background growing up in a small coal-mining town in Sibera. She added: "My way to escape reality was that I studied a lot.
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Fireflies are butt gals. So are their male amori. The rest is romance. Which makes it almost heartless for us to ask: What makes their bums blink? For Photinus pyralis, the common eastern firefly that populates North America, it is a choreographed dance. Females perch on bushes and grass as night falls, awaiting the flashy all-male revue. Step 2: As the male flies, oxygen enters its bum through tubes in its abdomen called tracheae A.
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