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Wiki Deepest Penetration

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Blake Stilwell. During the Vietnam War, the U. These were simply solid steel pieces, less than two inches long, fitted with fins. There was no explosive — they were simply dropped by the hundreds from planes flying above Vietnam.
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Category:Sexual penetration

Penetration depth is a measure of how deep light or any electromagnetic radiation can penetrate into a material. When electromagnetic radiation is incident on the surface of a material, it may be partly reflected from that surface and there will be a field containing energy transmitted into the material. This electromagnetic field interacts with the atoms and electrons inside the material. Depending on the nature of the material, the electromagnetic field might travel very far into the material, or may die out very quickly. For a given material, penetration depth will generally be a function of wavelength.
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Sexual penetration is the insertion of a body part or other object into a body orifice, such as the Unlawful sexual penetration is generally an offense irrespective of how deep the penetration was and irrespective of whether ejaculation of. Penetration depth is a measure of how deep light or any electromagnetic radiation can penetrate into a material. It is defined as the depth at which the intensity.
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