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Hard Fast Orgasm
Ever wonder how to make it easier to reach an orgasm? Our friends at Shape share their tips and tricks. There's a blow-your-mind climax in your future tonight, and every night, if you use these pleasure-boosting, research-backed strategies. Distracting thoughts are the number-one reason why women have difficulty reaching orgasm, says Vanessa Marin , a certified sex therapist and the founder of Finishing School , an online orgasm course for women. And nothing kills an orgasm faster than thinking about some big meeting at work or an argument you had with your sister.

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Ask Dr. Ruth: How Can I Orgasm More Easily During Sex?

7 Surprising Facts About Female Orgasm | One Medical
After 30 years of working as a sex therapist, the legendary Dr. Here, she answers your most pressing questions on sex, relationships and life. Email your own queries to drruth time. Ruth series.

7 Surprising Facts About Female Orgasm
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Your mind needs to stay clear and focused, your nerves sensitive and blood needs to flow to all the right places. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Many women find they cannot climax during penile-vaginal sex.

Video info
- Added: 2 years ago
- Views: 274
- Category: Blowjob
- Tags: Hard+Fast+Orgasm
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