The other day I strolled into one of my favorite second-hand book stores looking for treasures. I went straight to the sex shelf, the one next to the self-improvement and psychology. I was specifically after books about fellatio, or about oral sex generally, as I was planning to write a blog post as a response to one of my readers. Plus, a book about giving oral pleasure can be fun to have, no? There were three books about the topic.
I'm A Woman Who HATES Receiving Oral Sex — Here's Why
There's a lot of things I like sexually, but getting oral sex isn't one of them. My first boyfriend never went down on me. Although he was totally fine with me going down on him , which I did begrudgingly, I never got any oral in return. It was then, at the age of 18, that I decided my vagina was a dirty, weird smelling place.
That bone was Greyworm, who is a eunuch, getting it on with the massively underrated Messandei. So instead, he went down on her. As I watched the scene, I found myself squirming with discomfort at the idea of having someone go down on you the very first time you had sex. It always seemed odd to me that oral sex came before penetrative, as if it were a lighter or lesser thing. Literally unthinkable.