When she was his student, she was struggling to make a good grade and asked for his help. Julia understood completely and wanted to get ahead in class so she gave head. The Professor was happy to have Julia live with him. She was a model in addition to being a student. He felt that Julia had an amazing body. Her long legs were her best feature, and she always kept them tanned. Her brunette hair almost reached her butt and was kept fairly straight.
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We had a room on the beach level, one of those kitchenette deals, two big rooms and a bath. Bonnie has never been shy and we have had same room sex, but were always interested in going a little further. Especially her and another guy. This was a few months after the spring breakers had departed. We get checked in and are unpacking, checking out the place all that, we had big sliding glass doors looking out to the beach, very nice.