It is best to wait days after taking the Misoprostol to have sexual relations. It is normal to have irregular light bleeding for up to two weeks after a medical abortion sometimes even longer. You can have sexual relations even if you are still bleeding. However, if you do not wish to become pregnant, it is important to use contraception every time you have sexual relations. Although it may be several weeks after your abortion before you get your menstruation again, you could ovulate in the first week or two after your abortion, which means you could get pregnant right away.
Here's what you should know about sex after medical abortion
What It's Like Having Sex for the First Time After an Abortion - FLARE
Abortions are common in the United States, with an average of 3 out of 10 women in the United States having an abortion by age There are two types: the abortion pill also known as a medical abortion and a surgical abortion. Women can take the abortion pill up until they reach 10 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond this time, a surgical abortion remains an option. Abortions that take place under the care of a licensed medical professional within a clinic are generally safe procedures with few complications.
Abortion AMA: Can I Have Sex After I've Had An Abortion?
Sunday, January 27, blog Share. Once you've established that your medical abortion was successful, when can you return to regular activities? Since bleeding and cramping are essential elements of medical abortion, it's likely that you'll want to be in a situation where you can relax and be as comfortable as possible, and it's advisable that you actually not go to work or school if you can avoid it.
The cultural conversation surrounding abortion is, of course, a complex one, and the focus on the necessity of reproductive rights as health car is paramount, but it does leave empty spaces in the narrative. Is sex going to hurt? Feel different? Be different?